SurfaPaint TD

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SurfaPaint TD interior
SurfaPaint® TD Interior painting is a water-based thermal insulation for interior walls and ceilings.

When the thermal energy "travels" through walls and other surfaces, large amounts of energy are needed to cool in summer and warm in winter. SurfaPaint ThermoDry for Interior painting is a high-quality thermal insulation properties, ideal for indoor use. Made using SurfaPore ThermoDry, contains special ingredients, heat insulating nano and micro dimensions that contribute to energy savings. The particles thermo-insulation reduce the conduction of heat, ri + ected thermal radiation and create a barrier against moisture which results in a significant energy saving. How to prevent thermal bridges, so minimizes the moisture condensation and the appearance of mold. Suitable for children's rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, hospitals, schools, hotels and public areas due to its washability and resistance to washing (EN 13300, Class 1). Suitable for all types of new and old surface such as concrete, plaster, drywall and wood. It can be used as a base for light shades.
Fields of application and characteristics
energy savings
Block heat transfer
Previente thermal bridges
Protects the appearance of mold
High resistance to washing
Painting water-based
Anti - fungal
Notes of use

Shake well before use . If dilution is required , add up to a maximum of 10 % water by volume . The application temperature should be between 8-35 ° C. Apply 2-3 layers with a good quality brush , roller or spray with a nozzle diameter of 1.4mm or more . Do not apply paint in excess. Make sure that corners and edges are properly covered . Subsequent coats must be applied 4-6 hours after the previous application .

Application and made

estimated yield 10-12m² / L , strongly dependent on the properties of the surface .